
Contact Us

Our registered office address:

5 Pendle Drive

Call us on 01254 825883

Or email

Or stalk us on Twitter @ribbvalleyslate

Facebook /ribbvalleyslate

BUT, it’s just an office. It’s not a slate yard, storage depot, showroom, theme park or petting zoo, so don’t come here!

As Michael Corleone would say “In my home?!! Where my wife sleeps and my children play?!!”

What we’re saying is, please don’t trap up here because we’ll both be disappointed.

However, you want to look at some slate? Excellent, we have a warehouse, on the outskirts of Blackburn in sunny Lancashire, where we can show you plenty. No, you can’t have the address right now, because you’ll just turn up and we’ll be at the office, or out on the road, shaking and moving. Blame the caffeine. Or an allergy….

Instead, we meet customers at the warehouse on an appointment basis. Why? Because our office isn’t there! You’re paying attention, right? Look, it’s not difficult to understand, just don’t come to Whalley, please.